The purpose of this blog is to happily share my learning and ideas to help people, who actively seek solutions for the day-to-day problems faced.

No more year on New Year 2020 for Python 2.x

Its been a long journey for Python 2.x series users, started at 2000 and the support is going to last only till Jan 1. 2020.

I started to code in python from 2.x and had good old memories, similarly most of you would have experienced. Now the time as come to say 'Good Bye' to our dear old friend.
Good Bye My Friend
Thanks for your memories 

The official python site confirmed that they are not going to provide any support after this even if its of security related issues. So they strongly recommend to switch to python 3.x as soon as we can.

The reason being is they already prolonged the support for python 2.x and the new features created are not supported in the older versions which obviously going to make it much slower and also its going to be a nightmare for the developers to continue developing the new features for python 3.x 

For more insights visit

So to avoid last minute surprises, I request our blog followers to switch to python 3.x and make yourself hassle free. Cheers

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