The purpose of this blog is to happily share my learning and ideas to help people, who actively seek solutions for the day-to-day problems faced.


Vintage snake game play for fun, supported only with keyboard, use arrow keys to play the game

Story behing this post:

I'm happy that you came here to know what was driving me to post this, its simply my desire to build a game using programming language.

I know it may sound silly, in this growing world with advanced gaming technology. Why would someone wants to build a game using simple programming language and present it in the web.

Snake game
Reason being is,
  • I wanted to explore on how far I can go on building a game with python
  • Its more of an hobby or interest I would say
By keeping this in mind, I have built this snake game only with the help of javascript for now.
I'm exploring more on building the same with python, once I find an efficient way, I will keep this post updated until then enjoy the game

Credits: Chris DeLeon of HomeTeam GameDev

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