The purpose of this blog is to happily share my learning and ideas to help people, who actively seek solutions for the day-to-day problems faced.

Storage Array #SAseries #1

Welcome to the Storage Array series, the main goal of this series is to cover the storage domain basics to understand the storage array better and also to explore storage array features more in detail.

In general its always going to be hard for a newbie to adapt to any new domain more often than not most of the terms used in that will be quite difficult to understand at first. I also fall under the same category where coming from a telecom domain its little difficult for me to adapt to storage domain and its terms, though I learned a lot from video tutorials available online while watching I felt like everything is easy but when it comes to work I was not able to actually relate it. Experience matters :)

So only when I started to get a hands on knowledge I was able to relate few things but not able to understand the remaining. Hence I have decided to start learning again from scratch to have a better understanding of storage domain thereby it will also help me understand the actual product I work on.

Storage Array

Uff.. Enough of the stories, let's go in detail on learning storage array basics. Before learning anything in general I ask myself the below questions,
  • What
  • Why
  • When 
  • Where
  • How
What is Storage Array ?

Storage Array is a Storage entity which is managed by a System Software.

Why we need Storage Array ?

To Store data. Simple right ?

When we use Storage Array ?

See to store data there are many storage devices available but when do we go for Storage Arrays ? This is used mostly by Enterprises where the customer data are more critical in handling their business needs and also to provide features such as Availability, High Performance,  On Scale, Replication and Snapshot etc

Where we use Storage Array ?

It's used in most of the Sectors/Industries, be it Banking, Healthcare, IT etc.

How we use Storage Array ?

It's based on the customer needs, they currently provide support for even on-demand usage.

Ok, I believe at least by now you might have got an idea about Storage Array and its uses. In the upcoming posts I will go more in detail about storage array basics, components involved, protocols used etc.

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