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Storage Array Basics - Data and Information #SAseries #2

As promised earlier, let me go through the storage array basics in detail to help us understand it better. So we know to store data and information we go for storage array but before that 'What is Data and Information ?'

Data are simply collection of raw facts from which a conclusion may be drawn.

Ok, then What is Information ?

Information is the knowledge derived from data. It's nothing but an organized data which provides meaning.

Data and Information - Relationship

Now we are in the world of digital era and so is the data. The data created in the digital world is what we call as digital data which is transmitted and stored in electronic forms and the end result is a binary number 0s or 1s (Hey Computer I see you ;) )

So based upon how it's created, stored and processed, data is classified into two types,
  • Structured Data
  • Unstructured Data
Structured Data
Data which are organized, easy to access, maintain and standardized are called as structured data.
Example: Databases such as SQL, Oracle etc (where the data can be put in rows and columns)

Unstructured Data
Data which are not structured are called Unstructured Data. No!! please don't scold me but believe me I told you the truth.
Example: Images, Audio, Video etc

Almost 90% of the data created and available in the world is of unstructured data and that's reason for the existence of Big Data. Though Big data deals with both structured & unstructured data. It's the unstructured data which contributes more for a huge size which are not able to dealt with by traditional data processing application software.

Ok.. I think we read sufficient details on Data and Information. Next we will see where do we store this data and information.

Store Data and Information

The main goal of Storage is to provide access to data for further processing, we have many such storage devices used to store our data over the period, below is the list to name few,

  • Magnetic Storage Medium
    • Floppy Disks
    • Magnetic Tapes
    • Hard Disk Drives
  • Optical Storage Medium
    • CDs, DVDs
  • Flash Storage Medium
    • Pen Drives
    • SD Cards in Mobiles and Digital Cameras
    • Solid State Drives
    • Storage Arrays (holds multiple SSDs)
Storage Devices

Each of the above storage medium as its own pros and cons, there are many factors which influences in selecting this storage medium. In traditional storage setup to save backup and to archive data we use both Magnetic and Optical Storage devices such as HDD, DVDs. But to store business critical information that needs to be accessible continuously we go for Flash Storage devices such as SSDs and Storage Arrays because this provides high capacity, scalability, performance, reliability and security to meet business needs

Typically 'Storage' contributes to one of the three major IT infrastructure systems, they are
  1. Compute
  2. Network
  3. Storage
Compute System are nothing but Servers/Hosts which runs the application and are supported to store data using Storage System across the network using Network System. All this three systems are housed within the Data Center (Hey you ?) more on the DC in my upcoming posts. Cheers.

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