The purpose of this blog is to happily share my learning and ideas to help people, who actively seek solutions for the day-to-day problems faced.

Welcome to Stock Market Investment #SMIseries #1

Welcome to my Stock Market Investment series, in this series I am going to give you a walk around on what are all I have learnt from the stock market from my past one years of experience.
Bear vs Bull
When it comes to investing in stock market, one must be disciplined with their investment approach.

Mistakes are not secret of success, only correcting and learning from the 

mistakes can give you success.

When I say about disciplined investing you must stick with your basic rules and shouldn't alter it often unless you find a valid reason for revising your rules.

Investment is a boring process it can't give you the thrill like trading but trust me this boring approach can give you fruits in the long run. (remember compounding ?)

Rome is not built in a day. Consistency and Patience are the key, also don't complicate the investment process and strategies.

KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid - Unknown

A wise man once said,

"Price is What You Pay; Value is What You Get" - Warren Buffett

So be cautious when selecting you stocks for investment. Let's find out the factors that highly influences the stock market price,

  • Macro factors
    • Example: Global Financial Crisis of 2008
  • Micro factors
    • Examples:
      • Union Budget
      • GDP growth rate
      • Election Results
  • Global Issues on one country results in cascading effect among other countries
    • Example: Trade war from USA affects India, China etc
  • Currency, Inflation and Interest rates and many more
So one should give more importance to all this factors and must keep this in mind when planned to start investing.

Stocks should be researched thoroughly before we start to invest in it. Ideal way to research a stock is to
  1. Read
  2. Analyze
  3. Validate
I will start to go more in detail about each steps in my upcoming #SMIseries and keep you all updated.

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